When a kind deed is done, a sweet word said, or a job is completed...
a simple thank you would be nice.
Not because every good act should be rewarded by a pat in the back, by money or a trophy..
No, not at all.
Not even as a mere consuelo de bobo.
Being thanked is a gift, not for the one who was kind but for the one who has been kind to. It liberates you, nourishes.. and heals.
It should not be just a word that comes automatically out of your mouth but a feeling that comes from your heart.
What is in abundance in your heart comes forth from your lips.
Don't just make it a habit to say thank you..make it a habit to appreciate.
Only then can you really and truly be thankful.
Try it... your world will be less dreary and gray. The thorns will outnumber the roses and the glass will always be half-full.
P.S. Dropped our beloved pink camera yesterday...the pics look like this now
Good luck to us. I hope there's hope.
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