Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kambi goes green!

I admit, I was never a good daughter of Mother Earth.
Throwing candy-wrappers anywhere and everywhere, collecting the cutest plastic bags, styrofoam galore...guilty!
Recycling? Not in my vocabulary.
Until Ondoy.

When something that massive hits you in the does something to your heart.
For every tear that fell from the victims' eyes..I remembered each and every basura that I haphazardly threw out my car window.

The biggest tragedy of all is when you know that the misfortune you are going through is brought about by yourself.. by your own hands.

I know I that I can never take back any of the trash i threw and that all the packed lunches, bottled water and clothes that I gave to the typhoon victims can never compensate for my environmental sin.

But it doesn't end there there. Change is in my hands...and in order for Mother Earth to forgive us, we must change our ways.

This is my own little way of atonement for my sins against nature.

The Kambi Eco Bag.
Our little tribute to the only home we ever had.
Maybe if we start saving the earth, we can also save ourselves.

The Kambi Eco Bag..designed by Pie Ramiro

K24/7 vocalist Paolo Banaga

K24/7 vocalist Johann Mendoza

K24/7 drummer Anthony Dio

K24/7 vocalist Rye Daguiso...perfect bag for adafs too:-)

K24/7's jason reyes has always been a lover of eco bags

Thor and Mai...let's go eco!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Road Trip

Our mission: to follow a dream.
So off to Tagaytay we went.

Passed by this place called Nurture, a spa/resto/wedding place. Promise to try it out soon.

Sadly, the dream fizzled out right before our very eyes. It literally and figuratively was a dead end. So decided to just drown our sorrows in good food. We were in Tagytay after all:-)

Mile-Hi was great! Ate liempo in an American Diner hahaha. Lunch more than made up for the rather disappointing morning. Had to take a moment to digest... A few minutes of senti and malayong-tingins:-)

But ofcourse Z just had to do her thing...

and so we ended up like this...

20 years of friendship this year..I am blessed. Truly and unbelievably blessed with good friends.

So what if some dreams don't come my own little world, my life is a dream:-)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Peace of my mind

I value my peace. If you ask me what I want for Christmas... world peace... home peace... jeannie peace.

I don't disturb other people's peace so I hope no one disturbs mine too.

Is that too much to ask?

Apparently it is.

Find your peace. And when you do, fight with all your might to keep it.

Peace should start from your own heart. The ilonggos say it best.. pahimunong.. be still.. Maybe then you will find your peace...

And through that we can have home peace... country peace... world peace...

And hopefully, maybe stop disturbing Jeannie's peace.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, December 14, 2009

The forces of the univese..EARTH, WIND and FIRE!

My good friend Vigie surprised me with tickets for Earth, Wind and Fire! Woot woot!
2nd row..but I managed to transfer to the 1st haha.

Boogie Wonderland ( 1st song ) , In the Stone, Reasons, That's the Way of the World, After the Love has Gone.. one hit after another. They didn't even give us a chance to recover from the last song to the next! It just kept getting better! They are all older now but the heart and the soul of their music is still the same.

Goosebumps..from the first song to the last. Like I always tell myself, you cannot argue with magic. If it's there, it's there.. even if many years have passed and people have come and gone..the magic remains.

Enough said...Earth, Wind and Fire, you still rock my world:-)

Friday, November 13, 2009


So tamad to go out.
Tamad to dress up.
Tamad to talk.

Tamad to stop myself from being tamad.

Will eventually get over this by later.
Will be up and about, smiling and talking and laughing like a good/fun girl should.

But for now, I'm just...tamad.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I'm in a bad mood... Why can't people just chill.

Anger and temper tantrums are so passe'.

It doesn't get anything done and it sure as hell doesn't impress me.

It's not what got mahatma gandhi on the map.

Gosh, chill.

Monday, November 9, 2009

i don't have a single artistic bone in my body.
i'd like to think of myself as more literary.

ya whatever, sweet lemon. i can't draw a straight line, i don't know what color goes with what, or what accessory or furniture goes well with whatever.

that's one of my biggest frustrations. i really get jealous with people who can draw, paint, design, style...because i can't draw a straight line even if it kills me.

i'm jealous of qt who's so good with her arts and crafts..her christmas gift wrapping is like a work of art. i'm jealous of pammy who can whip up a great outfit and always come out looking like a fashion model.

Jealousy is my least favorite emotion and so i dabbled.... in the arts ( lord, have mercy ).
once in a while i'd get crazy and take on an artistic project..hits and misses..well more misses ( i'm remembering a really sad looking rose that i painted many years back.. yuck).

the hits are few and far between haha...but for someone with zero motor skills and is artistically challenged, i strive to amaze myself from time to time.

it was my niece's sally j's 18 birthday.. just a small party.. a venue for me to be trying hard.
my job was to fix the buffet table ( seriously??)...and with blind faith, i did.

motiff: yellow. this is the shade that i wanted..

this is the image that inspired me..

but yellow flowers seemed more apt...

and with the trusty aid of manang diding, the best pleater in town.. she made the images in my head come to life. thank you for being "my hands."

the finished product...

...not bad for a frustrated "artist"

...oh and did i mention that yellow is my absolute favorite color in the whole world?:-)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jeannie = Techie

I'm blogging from my itouch.... whoa! Am I a certified techie now??

For someone who could barely e-mail, I've gone a loooonng way.

This is so cool.. Testing testing.

I hope this works. Go!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, November 2, 2009

UH-OH: Dagupan Bus Transit

AHA! Saw this on the road last Saturday, Oct. 31, 2009.

Diba your fleet is grounded?

..because of this why?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FAVE: Sarsa Lokal Angels

Had my i-touch fixed with my greenhills buddies pie and jay. As usual had too much tacos and barbecues in the Theater Foodcourt so we went out to "digest" after. We sat in this place called Sarsa Lokal for a quick break.. without even ordering at all (kapal). After 5 minutes, we stood up, left and forgot all about it. We were too busy with the tiangge, regina's, the px store etc. etc until pie screamed.. oh my god i lost my phone!

First thing she thought of was to go the shop where we stayed the longest. I thought it made no sense for all of us to look in just one place. Fine, I admit i was tired from all the walking and I just couldn't stand seeing her so stressed. I told her I'd just meet her in Starbucks. I'm not a completely heartless sister and believe it or not, there is a method to my laziness.

On my way to Starbucks, I decided to pass by Sarsa Lokal again just in case. Suntok sa buwan... wouldn't hurt. The minute they saw my face, everybody started to get excited. Apparently, my very intelligent and alert sister left her phone there!!! The honest staff of this lovely restaurant immediately gave the phone to the guard standing nearby. After going through the motions ( what's your number, what's the model of the phone), I was able to tell pie that these wonderful people had found her phone.

In the light of Ondoy's tragedy, we Filipinos are bugbog sarado already. Crushed, defeated, aping-api.. but there are only two results of this.. to rebel and lash out by doing bad things ( rolex robbery ) or to stay good and do good despite.

To the staff of Sarsa Lokal and Manong Security Guard, you inspire me. You could have easily sold the phone.. i mean we are in Greenhills the land of Buy and sell after all! But you chose not to. It is really good to know that there are still good people left in this world:-)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

FAVE: Happy Feet Home Service massage

what's better than having a good massage?
having a good massage in my own bed, in my own room!

unless it's in my favorite spa or in one of those ridiculously expensive spas.. i really get icky about using communal slippers, robes, and towels. i'm all for ambiance and enjoying the whole spa experience, but sometimes, when you badly need to get rid of some aches and pains, you just want it right here, right now.

so my best bet for a good home service massage is Happy Feet Spa. it's open til 1am so it's perfect for the massage-then-go-to-sleep combo.

just call 4166121 and request for maritess... P350 = 1 hour of bliss:-)